Sunday, November 19, 2006

Quick Weight Loss: Fact Or Fiction

Why are people always looking for a quick fix? Some want to get rich quick, but generally the only people making those promises to us are only trying to get their hands in our pockets. Some want to grow tall quick. Some want their hair, or their nails to grow quick. Some even want to sleep quickly, and still be able to function normally. Seemingly, always in a hurry, we want quick results in every aspect of life that matters to us, including weight loss.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a safe, quick weight loss program. While we always see the promises of fad diets, and obscure exercise products, as offering a quick weight loss solution, the truth is, and there's no way around it: you have to do the work. The math is quite simple; burn more calories than you eat. We may not like it, but diet, and exercise, are still the answer.
What's Wrong With Diets That Promise Quick Weight Loss?

* Most fad diets emphasize one food type, almost to the exclusion of everything else. All your life your parents, and doctors have pointed out the benefits of following a balanced diet, and they were right. Only a balanced diet will provide you with all the valuable nutrients you need. Anything less could put you at risk for serious nutritional deficiencies.

* Most fad diets become very boring, making them almost impossible to stay on for any length of time. A fad diet might offer you some quick weight loss at the start, this will level off in a short time, and the lost pounds will return when you come off the diet.

* Most fad diets don't acknowledge, and encourage the role of physical activity in weight loss. Those that do, do so in very fine print. A safe, sensible, and effective weight loss program balances both diet and exercise. Diet alone will not allow you to maintain any significant weight loss over time.

* Many fad diets have nothing substantial to back up their claims. There examples of successful people using their diet are the exception, rather than the rule. According to the American Heart Association, many of the claims made by these fad diets, are unsubstantiated myths.
What Do We Really Have To Do To Lose Weight?

* Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits, and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are rich in the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function properly. Fruits and vegetables also help to give you that full feeling.

* Eat whole grains, and fat-free, or low-fat dairy products. Whole grains are the good carbohydrates. They are high in fiber, which helps to promote fat loss. Fat-free, and low-fat dairy products provide the protein, and calcium, you need without overloading you with fat.
* Take part in regular physical activity. Regular exercise will not only help you burn fat, but will also strengthen your muscles, improve your digestion and elimination, and greatly reduce your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions.

* Get enough rest. Try for at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Studies have shown that people who get too little sleep are more likely to indulge in unhealthy behaviors such as overeating, and avoiding exercise.

* Try to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day. Drinking plenty of water helps you to feel full, and promotes elimination of waste materials from your body.

There is an old saying that states: if it's important enough, you should be willing to work hard for it. Quick weight loss, that is permanent weight loss, is unrealistic, and in many cases unhealthy.

Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics.
To read more on this topic, please visit Weight Loss Solutions!

Fast Weight Loss Tips

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